Who doesn’t love a book with a cover like this?

Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor by Nicholas R. Mann (“in Moscow”) is a surprisingly good read, for the genre. The genre being, I guess, self-published-looking New Age books. Often too full with mumbo jumbo, this one has a long disquisition on the hydrogeology of the tor and the sources of the red and white springs that I found lucid and rather convincing. Still, the book’s third appendix, “Dragons,” has no right at all to be this good:
Dragons are alluded to in several places in this book and it is helpful to briefly describe them here. A dragon is the name given to a multi-dimensional being that exists, transforms and moves in vortex formations. Dragons are the energy ‘behind’ forms in much the same manner as the Devas described for example, by W. Tudor Pole, Dorothy Maclean and by other writers from Findhorn. Dragons are at once visible and invisible through their ability to be present in the elements yet command the energy vortices that form those elements. They can ‘shed their skin’ to move through the many dimensions of the universe, the limits of which for us are determined by the speed of light. Dragons are therefore masters of the time, space and matter continuum. They are capricious, humorous, benign, malevolent and indifferent. They can be seen with the non-localised vision of the soul, but they will not willingly admit to it, preferring to remain in mime. Magicians have learnt to recognise and command them, but as dragons prefer to command themselves the practice is inadvisable. However, gardeners, foresters, acupuncturists, hydrologists and sailors, for example, work with them all the time. Animals are also acutely aware of their presence and will adjust their actions accordingly. Observation of the in-turning and out-turning nodes in air, fire and, best of all, in moving water, provide excellent reference points for deeper meditation on the nature of dragons. Acquiring an understanding of the nature of dragons is extremely useful in developing the practices necessary for the enhancement of energy vortices.