Making Funky Little Winter Greeting Cards

Spent the evening folding up winter greeting letters and stamping our return address onto envelopes. The letter is four pages of photos and drawings and words—two sheets front and back—all taped up and copied off on my beloved color laser printer. I’m stamping the return address with an old linoprint I made when we moved to this address. Its prints have a pleasing woodblock roughness. There’s more left to do: printing address labels, writing little personal notes on each letter, stamping, mailing. Maybe we’ll finish this weekend.

The experience of slowly assembling this mailing feels opposite to using a Shutterstock template to blast out a little card with some photos and a scrawl of pre-made calligraphy. I’m glad to get those from other people—don’t get me wrong—but I can’t overstate the pleasure of making my own funky thing.

A photograph of a stack of folded letters that say “winter greetings from the nighthawks“ atop some envelopes, with a hand, barely in frame.
Jasper Nighthawk @jaspernighthawk